Creative Anarchy at Its Very Best Review

The article written by Denise Bosler was poor. This article argues that graphic designers can break the roles only in certain situations. The author claims that some rules are more flexible then others, but the main thing that is wrong with this article is that he does not give any rules throughout the whole piece.

What I don't like about this article is that he makes many claims that he does not back up. The author says "poor design creates chaos" and that "great design(s) can inspire the world" which I do not believe is real. Take my design for example, I am not good at this, but it does not create chaos maybe confusion, but they don't make me go crazy.

Their are good things in this article as well. The author says that that best designs are "barely noticeable" which I agree with because that means they spent a lot of time on the project if the viewer can't notice all of the small thought put into the work. Also the article talks about pushing your limits. This concept needs to be done in graphic design and is an important concept brought forward in the article.

The article can be summarized in a few words. "You have to learn the rules before you can break them." I will say that I do agree with this statement, but not with the fine details that Denise Bosler argues in this paper.

Creative Anarchy at Its Very Beat
By: Denise Bolser


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