e- Comm Senior Year Semester One Review

As a class we didn't accomplish much. With 16 weeks we worked on only two project that got finished for class. The first was the PSA and next was a short story. For the first project I already had an idea for it. During the summer I had been plaining to create this view once I got to school, so I pitched it to my group. It had it's problems. It didn't match the message as much as it needed to. We were focusing on depression and how to find help for those thinking about suicide about However, I don't believe I would change it. The point is to make the viewers as happy as possible. If a person had depression why put them through a sad view that points out what their mental situation is at.

Then we worked on the short story. My group was behind a lot during this. Our 'director' had other things to work on so we were left to mill around are selves. I was absent during most of the pre- poduction so I didn't want to be the director. However, when I got back I got ahold of our script and found that their was not much to justify what were saying. I went home and discussed it with my mom and created added more to the story so that it created more sense. When I went back my group they agreed with the changes and changed the script. During that say in class I found that nothing else had been done to set-up for our film day so I took charge of that. It was happening in two days and nobody had anything to help each other prep for it. I planed out when we would meet,  would bring what props, and made sure we had the equipment that we needed. During film day we didn't have problems with anything that was planed out which  I am proud of. The difficulty we had was the my inability not to get hurt, continuously. First I got glass in my hand. Then I broke my nail down to the skill and it started bleeding. Once we had finished and got back to class we found that the closing shot had gone missing. This made our video end suddenly, but we made it work.

During class I didn't know what to do. Most of it I was working on the script. Brainstorming, Outlining, Consulting. However, I got pushed off of creating the script. One of the students went and wrote the script without an other person to help them. In one of the documents you had the class reader it stated that scripts with a lot of spelling mistakes tend to be poor than those that don't. I think this can be a key pointer to how our script is. Most of the class does not to do the stories but are to afraid to speak up. We don't have a plot. We have a story, maybe, but not a plot. At one point a group of the students in the class wanted to through out the first 40-pages of the script and work from their. If that doesn't say anything about are confidence in it than I don't know what else to say. But when I wasn't trying to better the script we had, I was written blog post. 

I like to believe that I bring a lot to this class. I am the only one that has worked on a feature before. I work creatively statistically. Their's a math to this all. I need production to get done in a timely manner. I am an organized person, who enjoys the filming industry. That's what I believe I bring to this class. Knowledge from past work, and the ability to manage large task but organizing them into smaller task broken up. 

The challenges that I face in this class are different then any of class that I've had before. I need to speak up more instead of keeping my options to myself. This is a bad thing to think of because it's easy to go over board. The only way to improve this is to grow (more of) a back bone. 

During the semester we had quest speakers that were incredibly interesting. I will not be going into advertising, but Mr. Smith was interesting to hear. He talked about how companies get there produces professionally commercialized. Another thing he talked about is his ability to make it himself. To go after what you want to get and then achieve it. This inspired me. I hope I can do that. 

Then we had another speaker that use to be a old e- Comm teacher. He showed use more technology that is used by the industry. I think that was extremely helpful because it allowed me to see what people in the industry use. Now when I watch shows I can mentally picture what is all going into the shot including the technology. 

My option on the new theater technology that is being placed into theater is that it's going to turn more people away from it. I was sick from the smell. The seats were uncountable. And most of the students in the theater were done with it and trying to cover the air half way through the movie. 

This semester didn't cut it for me. I wish that I could change a lot of it. The one moment I injoied was the day we filmed the lip-dub. I felt like I wasted a lot of my time in here. I didn't learn as much as I needed to. Next year I want to focus on Robotics and making the best videos that I can. I want to be a good leader for Cece. That's my biggest worry- falling her. And another goal I have is the desire to win something at emagine. 


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