Myrers- Briggs test

Their are 4 groups to a Myers-briggs. They includ Introvert or Extraversion, then Sensing and Intuition, after that Thinking or Feeling, finally Judging and Perceiving. My myers-briggs test showed that I was an ISTJ which stands for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. The "I" means that I am to myself, I am more shy then not and I deal with things logically. The "S" stands for Sensing which means I am more likely to focus on the present and note facts. The "T" means I base my decisions on logic. Finally the "J" means that I like to plane ahead rather then go with the flow. An ISTJ is loyal, dependable, but prefers to work alone. They give a lot of time into a task even if they don't understand it. And people who have ISTJ on their Myers-Briggs test tend to be fun around but will shy away I public. They take value in birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, special occasions, Ex. 


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