Project Systems

Project Systems is a video that took a total of two weeks to conduct into the final product. At first we were asked to make a video on 'how to' things at Olathe Northwest. My partner and I came up with the idea of making a video on how to log in to the internet at the school. So we started to story board. At first we were worried that we would have to many closes ups, but by the end of the story board we had to little. We had to revise are story board so that it would have 50% of closes ups.

Thought this project I learned about the rule of having 50% closes ups, 25% medium shots, and 25% wide shots. I also learned that sometimes your ideas are not the best to do and it's ok to do something else.

During the process my partner and I worked very will together, taking in each others ideas and asking for them. We got through most of are shots on the first day of shooting because we had plained it out will. I had never use one of this camera before but my partner was good at the technology involving the camera.

When I was editing the clips together I tried to do the origination to the full the extent it is supposed to be done to but most of it was organized. If I had to change anything about this project it would be at most my editing skills with the organization. In the end I would not change most of what I did during this project.

For my next project I know how good it is to plain ahead while making the storyboard. At the same time I need to watch what the frame of a shot is and learn to get better shots.


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