Graphic Design Yearly Review E- communication Reflection

            This year I learn a lot about each Abode product. In Graphic Design I learn how to work more on Illustrator then Photoshop. However, I know, understand, and can comprehend these two programs a lot more then I can InDesign.

            In Illustrator I learned how to work the basics of each indusial tool and how they can be used to improve the end product. For example, I learned about the pen and Select Tool can change the shape of a object. I learned that custom type has t be changed into an object. The project that made me learn and innovate my skills the most was my individual project given to me by Mr. Hawkens.

            The project given to me from him was to make a logo for his new organization called the Kansas City Athletic Trainer Society. This project happened close to the end of the year so I knew more about the programs that I was using, which made it possible for me to complete. 

            What I learned this year in Graphic Design really has no normal life influence, unless I go into this as a job. The importance that this class gave me was the ability to express myself through the use of digital art. It got me thinking about what color does to people’s emotions, and how a typeface helps get a message across.

            My strength in this class is my persistence to complete a project. I have never been good at computers, and dread computer classes. The class has to wait for me to cheat up to them, and it becomes very stressful for me. This class was no different. I didn’t have any idea on how to work the programs. I always had to ask how to complete a task, and I believe I would be much the same today if we did a tutorial. However, I know the basics of the tools, and know that I can get past the struggle of learning the program.

            I don’t know what I am going to do with what I learned in this class. There is nothing that I already have planned out for this summer, unlike what I learned in video. I might make another company logo/ brand for my YouTube channel, but because I can’t print anymore I can’t make poster or anything like that for me. 

            In conclusion it was fun while it lasted, but I don’t see how this will influence my life to a major extent. My teach one day got angry at me because I said what I was doing was useless, and I still stick to that same idea even thought I got condemned for that statement.


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