Sophomore Year’s Second Semester Video Class Reflection

             In my E-communications Video class during my second semester sophomore year I learned a verity of different aspects that helped improve my video skills. I discovered this when presentations and PowerPoint’s showed the variety of different shots along with how they reflect a certain mood and characteristics that helps the actor get a point across. This was important because it help set tones within the movies. This advanced our videos another step closer to pros. Even though we have a long way to go if we learn to use each shot correctly and plain the shots our videos could end up really good quality.

Another thing I learned was how the relationship dynamic within a group can affect a video. Even with peoples dedication to the finished project when people can’t work together then the quality goes down. Additionally that under guessing and under planning undersold the finished product. I learned this within a few projects from across the years. One example from this year was my music video that was created. That group was made up of Mallory, Sidney, McKenna, and I.  Even thought we wanted a good finish product and we worked destiny well together, no real conflict happened, the final project was iffy because we did not plain it out completely believing that the our minimum filming would work out in the end. 

Finally one of the last things I took out of this year was how the teacher can affect the projects being turned in. They have a slit effect on the overall quality of the projects being turned in. I learned this with Mr. Cooper, Mr. Allam, Ms. Morris, and Ms. Loquats. The intro to video showed this, this school year, because Mr. Allam knew how to control the class. He knew when the class needed direction and when to push our class. Then when he left and Ms. Morris came in; she had a hard time controlling the conversation of the class and pushing us to move forward. Then when Mr. Cooper came in he made mistakes when controlling us as well. His first mistake was letting us off the hook the first time. I don’t remember when that happened for the first time but it had to have happened, before long we were controlling him. We went on our own time to lunch and did not work hard. What we lost when Allam left was our desire to finish before the deadline. What I suggest for next year is to not be as friendly. He can be nice but he needs to make a fine line between him and his students.

My greatest strengths in this class are my desire to have a great project; I put all my effort into having a good video. Something that both helps me and harms me is my perfectionism. I always try to get to perfection this is helpful because it makes me not want to quiet until I am satisfied. However, it also harms because sometimes I have to accept that I will not achieve perfection. I have improved in this because my quality of video has gone up helping me have a more perfect video.

This summer I plain on using what I have learned to make videos. I want to make a music video, over the songs Firestorm or Scarce To Your Beautiful. Also I want to make educational videos over AP Euro. Finally this summer I want to make a video Vlog/ Documentary over what I will do this summer.
If I had to change anything in e-communication I would change the progression of how we learn shots in the video division. I would change the demanded that this program expects of its students. I would make it harder in and out of class because that improves the projects as a whole. Also I would change how we learn about the camera. I believe that when we are handed the camera we have to have at lease a week to learn about all the functions, along with the other equipment that comes along with the camera.

Finally in conclusion this class was a mess. The teachers, the students, the subject and the way it was taught did not help its cause. I am thank you that a Maddie Beck left this classroom after break. Fifth hour had many underling troubles; from a silent feud between almost everyone within the entire class and a desire to do what ever they want. It was hard for me to really get through that class but there were a lot of good people in it, and by the end of the year many of them had earned my respect in some way or another.


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